PREVIEWME business

Video communication & recruitment

Send and receive video comms & video applications


Why use PreviewMe Business?

Find the Right Talent

Meet candidates with video applications.

Hire Faster

Halve screening time and get to the interview stage quicker.

Improve Communication

Communicate more effectively and bring your business to life with video.


Meet & Screen Candidates Digitally

  • Meet more candidates in less time
  • Advance the right people to the interview stage
  • Get a better feel for candidate fit early on
Get Started
PreviewMe Invitations

Proactively invite candidates to apply with video

  • Create and share your invitation in minutes
  • Capture all your video applications in one place
  • Quickly compare candidates and identify standouts
  • Build and manage your own talent pools
Get Started

Make better decisions as a team

  • Easily review & share Previews with colleagues or clients
  • Access & manage multiple accounts from one place
  • Add team members to your organisation
Get Started

Use video to communicate more effectively

  • Bring your business to life with internal or external video communications
  • Promote your business, services or jobs
  • Measure the quality of your comms with analytics
Try now for free

Meet more candidates in less time
PreviewMe Invitations

Inundated with CV's?

Video lets you vet candidates faster than ever before. Create shortlists to share with team members and hiring managers.

Overlooking good talent?

It's impossible to assess a candidates attitude, aptitude and cultural fit on a CV alone. There is no better way to meet the person, before you meet the person! Get it right the first time.

Short on time? 

Set up ave time on .

Reuseable Assets

Save time by re-using your videos and information across multiple Previews. Share via email, social channels, job portals or even SMS.


Real people, real results.

"We found PreviewMe an extremely effective, fun and engaging method for screening a large number of applications for Graduate programmes. Sharing Previews and videos with the client to review was quick and easy as well."

Pete Stuart
MD, Lynx Recruitment
Recruitment Agency

"What we like best about PreviewMe is the ability to ‘Preview’ a candidate in a video – with PreviewMe a video is now worth a thousand words. Feedback from candidates is also very positive as they are able to portray who they are in a video – something words on paper doesn’t always do."

Ed Lim
Partner, Hudson Gavin Martin
Law Firm

"The use of videos in our graduate recruitment was a pretty pivotal part of the process so being able to share a video introducing ourselves was a great feature and really encouraged a lot more candidates to apply."

Penina Drysdale
HR Advisor, NZX
Corporate / Finance

Want to speak to a human?
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NZ, Australia & Singapore

First impressions count
How will you create yours?

Try now for Free